
Don't Think Twice it's Alright

To all you weirdos, and I mean that with love because I am one myself,

This has seriously been the two weirdest weeks of my life, and not because of movies I'm working on. Apparently every person that is no longer in my life, for good reasons or just because we drifted apart, or just I haven't heard from them in awhile, has contacted me. Some of it was really nice. Other people bizarre. Other people, just down right flabbergasting. I have no idea what the cosmos are aligning to tell people about me, or if it's just coincidence, but it feels very strange. I guess I'm just a very missable person. I'd hope so! The opposite of that would to be a very forgettable person, and that quite possible could be the worst thing anyone could say to me. Call me any name you want, but call me normal, boring, or forgettable, and I think I'd see red, and might just have to kick a person in their shins. And I kick hard, so be nice!

I am still working on posting all my pictures from Europe. And I'm going to edit together a little movie from the footage I shot. Although right now I can barely find time to brush my teeth, this will happen. Not just for the people who want to see the pics, but for me too, cause it was a magical journey, and I like editing together silly little movies. Thank you final cut, for being so easy to use that even a computer illiterate person like myself can figure it out. And I just got a beautiful new MacBook Pro. I need a name for her! Suggestions?

I have so much movie news it's hard for me to keep up on! This weekend I am shooting with BillZebub, for the first time, and it's something I've wanted to do since I saw his movie "Dirtbags" years ago. I can't wait. I will put up pictures from the shoot after the weekend. I can't promise my naked ass in the pics, but I can in his movie!

Another project that deserves TONS of attention is the short "The Day Erased" written and being directed by Coven Delacruz. Check out his website AND become a fan of the movie on Facebook
That link seems way too long, so if it doesn't work please tell me and I'll figure out how to get the correct link. I'm new to this people! Help me!

Anyway, check this out. This is how hardcore we are. Myself, Coven, and all cast and crew are going to be at Horrorfind (come see us!) AND we are going to make a movie while we are there. I don't think anyone else can say they could pull this off. Coven can. I did once shoot one very short scene, not even scene, more like two shots, with Ian McCulloch (of Zombi 2 fame) during Chiller, for a mock trailer. But that took 5 minutes, tops! Coven is doing the entire short during the weekend and working the convention too. That's badass. What makes it even cooler is that Coven does his own special effects, and he's good, and this movie is bloody as fuck. I mean, it's a bloodbath, Herschell Gordon Lewis would be proud. It's brutal. From start to end, it's fucking brutal. I love it. It's like life, just when you think it can't get any worse... it does!

So, that's it for tonight I suppose. I have to go finish an interview for that has taken me entirely too long. I have to get it done tonight. Anyone feeling neglected by me, I send my most sincere apologizes. I am trying to be better with my time so I can get more done. It's insane! And I love every second...

Live Loud,


** I support dangerous art, fearless hearts, & the monster inside**


  1. YEAH FIRST FOLLOWER!!! Do I get a prize or something? You rock Ruby.

  2. There are always prizes at the door... everyone is a winner in my bubble. And in Holland apparently. That's a entirely different story though.

  3. That was awesome ruby. Your great.

